25 Habits To Cultivate For A Healthy Lifestyle
During 2021, AWSC had a theme of weekly health habits. Our goal was to help build healthy habits for life. Over the course of the year we posted approximately 52 health habits and in this blog we are going to recap 25 of our favorite ones. In case you missed any of our weekly posts last year, check out this week’s blog for 25 habits to cultivate for a healthy lifestyle.
#1. Drink a glass water first thing in the morning
During the night we deprive our body for approximately 8 hours. That is 8 full hours of no food or drinks so when we wake up each morning we are actually pretty dehydrated. By placing a glass of water at your nightstand each night you can get a jump start on your hydration each and every morning.
#2. Donate to your favorite charity
Donating to your favorite charity is a good way to help out others as well as make yourself feel good in the process.
#3. Take daily vitamins
Sometimes it can be difficult to get the recommended values of vitamins in a daily diet. By taking your vitamins each day you can ensure that you are getting those daily values, regardless of what you eat.
#4. Work on your core strength
Strengthening your core leads to better balance, posture, and decreased back pain. Incorporate a few core exercises into your daily routine to not only feel the difference, but also see the difference.
#5. Don’t ignore body’s warning signs
Your body constantly talks to you. It tells you what it likes, what it doesn’t like, as well as when it feels good and when it doesn’t feel good. If we listened to our body when it talks to us, we can help catch any illnesses or discomfort before it becomes too overpowering.
#6. Exercise regularly
Exercise can be whatever you prefer it to be: yoga, walking, jogging, weight lifting, etc. By exercising regularly you are improving not just your physical health, but also many aspects of your mental health.
#7. Pay attention to your posture
Focus and correct your posture more during the day and night. When you are standing or sitting somewhere, take time to be mindful about how you are positioned. Try not to slouch and avoid sleeping on your stomach or curled up in a ball. Creating this mental habit will allow you to acknowledge your positive or negative posture more often.
#8. When in doubt, ice it out
If you are ever feeling pain or discomfort reach for an icepack instead of heat. In some cases, heat can lead to more inflammation which can end up causing you more discomfort. Ice is always nice!
#9. Focus on the things we can control
We all find ourselves spending too much time focusing on the past or things that we have no control over. Instead of focusing on these things, try focusing on the present moment. What can you do right now to positively impact yourself?
#10. Go to the bed the same time every night
Our sleep schedules influence more than you realize: our mood, our stress, our physical health, our energy and more. Developing proper sleep habits and making sure that you are sleeping the correct amount of hours will help you to take control over many different aspects of your health that you may not have even been aware of.
#11. Create a daily routine
Our brains love routines because it becomes comfortable. Creating a routine is an easy way to take control of your day and get everything that you want to get done, done. Creating a routine will allow you to ensure that your day is productive.
#12. Take care of our gut health
The brain is connected to the gut through the Vagus nerve so when your gut is inflamed so is your brain. Pre/probiotics are a good supplement to take in order to help keep your gut bacteria healthy. Try to limit or avoid: gluten, processed foods and sugar to keep your gut healthy. A healthy gut is beneficial to keeping everything in balance.
#13. Boost your brain health
We constantly need to exercise our brains. Word puzzles and memory games are a good way to help keep your brain sharp and healthy. Diet plays a role too, so limit refined sugars and carbohydrates as too much in the diet may increase your risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease. Avoid processed and fast foods as they are loaded with preservatives and are inflammatory to our brains and bodies. Consider supplementing with a good quality Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acid.
#14. Read ingredients, nutritional content, and serving size for the foods you eat
You should always know what’s in the foods that you are eating. This will help you avoid eating too much, too little, or foods that you shouldn’t be. If you can’t pronounce the ingredients then you probably shouldn’t be eating it.
#15. Sit up straight
Constantly think you are being held up by a string that’s strung all the way up your spine and out of the crown of your head. Imagining this position will help you to maintain a tall and healthy posture.
#16. Stretch your body more
Stretching allows you to exercise your muscles in a way that helps to improve their overall range of motion. Increasing your range over motion over time will help to keep your body moving as you age.
#17. Wear sunscreen everyday
Whether you are in the sun or not, sunscreen should be a part of your daily routine. Our skin is almost constantly exposed to the sun, inside or outside, and that can cause long term harm if not protected with SPF.
#18. Schedule time to go offline
In our society we find ourselves spending a little too much time using technology. Find time in your day to replace screen time with other beneficial habits: reading, writing, learning something new, etc.
#19. Stop smoking or vaping
Vaping and smoking are one of the most detrimental habits an individual can have. Smoking and vaping can lead to a number of issues: heart disease, stroke, lung disease, cancer, and more.
#20. Stop caring about what other people think
Letting go of caring about what other people think of you will lead you to a better life. You will find yourself feeling more happy, less stressed, and overall in a better more positive mental space.
#21. Include more fruits and vegetables into your diet
Eating the rainbow is a good rule to help you include more fruits and veggies into your diet. The more colorful the meal is, the better it is for you.
#22. Don’t look at your phone in bed
According to your brain, your bed should be for sleep. When you continuously use your phone in bed, it begins to confuse your brain. Doing this can lead to difficulties falling asleep because your brain thinks it should be doing something else, like being on your phone.
#23. Make time for self-care
Self care can be anything: reading, taking a bath, lighting a candle, alone time, and more. Whatever your form of self care is, doing it at least once a week will help improve your mood and decrease your stress levels.
#24. Keep your space clean and organized
Clutter can be overwhelming in many different ways. Think about how difficult it can be do complete work at a desk that is full of papers, books, and other miscellaneous items. Keeping a clean space equals keeping a clearer mind.
#25. When you think you can’t go anymore, keep going and you’ll surprise yourself
One of my teachers in chiropractic school said to us “What separates the winners from the losers—one more step doctors.” I find myself hearing this saying at times and am I always pleasantly surprised at the results. Rest if you need to, but get right back to it when you can.